American Craft Beer Week is a time-honored tradition that celebrates the rich diversity and innovation of craft breweries across the nation. At ETX Brewing Co., we’re proud to be part of this thriving community, and we invite you to join us in raising a glass to the art of craft beer.

Craft Beer: A Proud American Tradition:

Craft beer has deep roots in American history, dating back to the days of our founding fathers. Today, it continues to flourish as a symbol of creativity, craftsmanship, and community. At ETX Brewing Co., we pay homage to this proud tradition by crafting exceptional beers that showcase the finest local ingredients and innovative brewing techniques.

Join Us for a Week of Festivities:

To celebrate American Craft Beer Week, we’re hosting a series of special events and promotions at ETX Brewing Co. Join us as we raise a glass to the brewers, beer lovers, and community members who make the craft beer scene so vibrant and exciting.

Supporting Local Craft:

As advocates for the craft beer movement, we’re passionate about supporting local breweries and businesses. During American Craft Beer Week and beyond, we encourage you to explore the diverse range of craft beers available in your area. Whether you’re a seasoned beer enthusiast or new to the craft beer scene, there’s always something new and exciting to discover.

Learn More About Craft Beer:

Looking to expand your knowledge of craft beer? Check out these insightful articles and resources:

As American Craft Beer Week approaches, we invite you to raise a glass with us in celebration of this beloved tradition. Whether you’re joining us at ETX Brewing Co. or raising a toast from afar, let’s come together to honor the artistry, passion, and community spirit that define the craft beer movement. Cheers to American Craft Beer Week, and here’s to many more years of brewing excellence!